Sunday, November 9, 2008

Paris Hilton's BFF is the best show ever to be on Television

If you are not a complete chodechoking dick suck you'll realize that I was being sarcastic. First, off Mtv... what the donkey fucking hell? What happened to music videos and Headbangers Ball? Jesus at least Beavis and Butthead made me giggle. Paris Hilton's BFF just makes me want to shit and puke all at the same time. PH BFF is the fucking Apocalypse come to a convinent channel near you. Every person on that needs their head cut off. Maybe the Islamic terrorists will do us all a favor and execute them, now thats a tv clip I would be willing to watch.

PH BFF is a cesspool of humanity. I have never seen a larger collection of Barbie dolls. These bitches are so fake that we could recycle them as plastic.
Paris Hilton needs to go back to doing what she is good at . . . making grainy sex tapes so we can all get back to our regular masturbatory schedules.

Paris Hilton wins the Miss Fake Btichslut of the Universe award.

1 comment:

Gavasaurus Rex said...

excellent... yet more perfectly crafted hate....

however, i feel as though you forgot about chinese people with their "ching chang" talk and their "kung fu". i mean its like "I don't understand you... go back to your country"... i mean am i right or am i right....

anywho... maybe include something like that in the post script?